Key change, read the full description

Rea 99 kr
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If you buy this product, you get your background in two versions, one in the original key and one in the key you want. The original is the file you download yourself. The changed key will be emailed to you within 1-4 working days.
You specify by selecting variant +/- 3 how many steps up or down you wish to change your background (one step = a semitone).
Keep in mind that the quality will suffer the more the key is changed, so change as little as possible for the best sound image. We recommend a maximum of 3 steps.
If you want to change the key of more than one song, you buy the corresponding number of this product.
Don't forget that you also have to order the song(s) you want. This product is the key change only.
Total cost per song 59+99=158:-

You can also order a key change on a song you bought from us before. Write which song applies and the order number either in the message at checkout or in an email to us in connection with the new order.

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